Ampli Clicks Media

Terms & Conditions

Welcome to our website. By using our services, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.

We provide digital marketing services including search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, content creation, and more. We will work closely with you to develop and execute customized strategies to meet your unique business goals.

Intellectual Property
We retain all copyrights and other intellectual property rights related to services we provide. You may not reproduce or redistribute our proprietary information without written permission.

We will not disclose confidential information provided by you except as required by law. You agree not to disclose confidential information shared with you as part of our services.

Services must be paid for upfront before work begins. Payment methods include check, bank transfer, and major credit cards. Unpaid accounts past 30 days due may incur late fees or collection actions.

Since strategies are customized to each client, fees for services delivered are nonrefundable. Should you terminate an agreement early, no pro-rated refunds will be provided.

We make no warranties for website rankings, increased traffic, higher conversion rates or return on investment from our services. Past results do not guarantee future performance.

Limitation of Liability
Our maximum liability relating to services provided to you shall not exceed the amount paid by you in the past three months. We will not be liable for indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages regardless of cause.

We may terminate any monthly service agreement by providing 30 days written notice. Notice will be considered given when sent via e-mail or mailed to your primary business address.

Changes to Terms
We may update these terms and conditions periodically. Updated versions will be posted on our website. Please check back frequently.

Governing Law
These terms and conditions are governed under the laws of Karnataka. Any disputes shall be handled by courts located in Bangalore .

Contact Us
You may contact us with any questions or concerns regarding these terms and conditions or the services provided.